Source code for pychievements.achievements

[docs]class Achievement(object): """ Base Achievement class. An achievement primarily consists of 'goals', being levels that can be reached. Instances of Achievements are used to track progress, and the current level for individual IDs. For this, an Achievement implements a number of functions to interact with the current level. Achievements can also have a ``category`` (string) and ``keywords`` (tuple of strings) that can be used to filter Achievements. Goals are defined as a tuple of tuples with the format: .. code-block:: python goals = ( {'level': 10, 'name': 'Level 1', 'icon':, 'description': 'Level One'}, {'level': 20, 'name': 'Level 2', 'icon':, 'description': 'Level Two'}, {'level': 30, 'name': 'Level 3', 'icon':, 'description': 'Level Three'}, ) Arguments: level A positive integer that must be reached (greater than or equal) to be considered 'met' name A short name for the level icon The ``Icon`` to represent the level before it has been achieved. This must be an :py:mod:`pychievements.icons.Icon` class. .. note:: There are simple ASCII icons available from :py:mod:`pychievements.icons` description A longer description of the level. Achievements can be updated in two ways: ``increment`` and ``evaluate``. Increment increments the current level given an optional set of arguments, where evaluate performs a custom evaluation a sets the current level based on that evaluation. Increment is best used when the application is aware of achievement tracking, and calls to increment can be placed throughout the application. Evaluate is best used when actions may happen externally, and cannot be tracked using repeated calls to increment. Evaluate will also return the list of achieved goals after it has performed its evaluation. An Achievement can be initialized with a ``current`` level, for example when restoring for a saved state. """ name = 'Achievement' category = 'achievements' keywords = tuple() goals = tuple() def __init__(self, current=0): self._current = current self.goals = sorted(self.goals, key=lambda g: g['level']) # make sure our goals are sorted def __repr__(self): return '<{0} category:\'{1}\' keywords:{2} {3}>'.format(, self.category, self.keywords, self._current) @property def current(self): """ Returns the current level being achieved (meaning haven't achieved yet) as a tuple: :: (current_level, (required_level, name, icon, description)) If all achievements have been achieved, the current level is returned with a None: :: (current_level, None) """ g = [_ for _ in self.goals if self._current < _['level']] if g: return (self._current, g[0]) return (self._current, None) @property def achieved(self): """ Returns a list of achieved goals """ return [_ for _ in self.goals if self._current >= _['level']] @property def unachieved(self): """ Returns a list of goals that have not been met yet """ return [_ for _ in self.goals if self._current < _['level']]
[docs] def increment(self, amount=1, *args, **kwargs): """ Increases the current level. Achievements can redefine this function to take options to increase the level based on given arguments. By default, this will simply increment the current count by ``amount`` (which defaults to 1). """ self._current = self._current + amount
[docs] def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs a custom evaluation to set the current level of an achievement. Returns a list of achieved goals after the level is determined. """ return self.achieved
[docs] def set_level(self, level): """ Overrides the current level with the given level """ self._current = level