Source code for pychievements.icons

# encoding: utf-8
pychievments.icons includes the :py:mod:`Icon` class as well as a number of pre-defined icons useful
for CLI applications.

* unicodeCheck
* unicdeCheckBox
* star


class ColorCatcher(object):
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return lambda s: s
    from clint.textui import colored
except ImportError:
    colored = ColorCatcher()

[docs]class Icon(object): """ Simple class to represent an ``Icon`` for an achievement. It provides to functions, ``achieved``, and ``unachieved``, which will return the displayable icon for the appropriate state. The base Icon class can be used without modification to create simple text Icons, e.g.: .. code-block:: python star = Icon(unachieved=' No ', achieved=' Yes ') """ def __init__(self, unachieved='', achieved=''): self._unachieved = unachieved self._achieved = achieved
[docs] def unachieved(self, tracked_id=None, achievement=None): """ Returns the unachieved icon """ return self._unachieved
[docs] def achieved(self, tracked_id=None, achievement=None): """ Returns the achieved icon """ return self._achieved
############################################################################################ # Some built-in unicode icons unicodeCheckBox = Icon('\n\n\n', '\n\n\n') unicodeCheck = Icon('\n\n\n', '\n\n\n') ############################################################################################ # Some built-in ASCII Art icons star = Icon(colored.white(""" .. .88. .8 8. ........8 8........ D88888 8888888 .88 88~. ,88 88D 88 88..88 88. D 88. .88 D D 8. .8 8 .D. .D. """), colored.yellow(""" .. .88. .8888. ........888888........ D8888888888888888888 .88888888888888~. ,888888888888D 888888..888888. D8888. .8888D D88. .888 .D. .D. """)) # from _ROADRUNNER_STR = r""" .==,_ .===,_`\ .====,_ ` \ .====,__ .==-,`~. \ `:`.__, `~~=-. \ /^^^ `~~=. \ / `~. \ / ~. \____./ `.=====) ___.--~~~--.__ ___\.--~~~ ~~~---.._|/ ~~~" / ' """ roadrunner = Icon(colored.white(_ROADRUNNER_STR), colored.yellow(_ROADRUNNER_STR)) _EAGLE_STR = r""" ___ ,-' >---. ,---. / ,o)' `. / `. '| ( ,_ ) | `. ,--| -.,' `./ ; `. / | `. : . ` / |:. `- , \ :.\\ | ,-|' \-.___,' :\ ;::\\ |, ::'\ , `. ,.::\ :(- |: |:; \,'\ ). / .:.. ,:::::\ `\\ | |,: ` `/ `-/ ::::::::::::::\ ; | |: ::::::::::::::.\ | \ |:., :::::::::: ` |; | \ `.:' ::.,::::::: `: \ || | \ \ . ,:::::::,::: . ( `-'| | `. \ ::::,`':(::' ` |\ \ : | \ :-:. `:: \ ` | \ \ \ | `' |:' `' /`. `. \ : `' \| / \ \ `._/ `'`-` | __ / \, ,\ _\\ `. _/ ,\- (`' `-',-','-,"-. /,-(,- \_\ (-'(,---.:.) """ eagle = Icon(colored.white(_EAGLE_STR), colored.yellow(_EAGLE_STR)) _BEE_STR = r""" ...vvvv)))))). /~~\ ,,,c(((((((((((((((((/ /~~c \. .vv)))))))))))))))))))\`` G_G__ ,,(((KKKK//////////////' ,Z~__ '@,gW@@AKXX~MW,gmmmz==m_. iP,dW@!,A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A` ,W@@A\c ]b_.__zf !P~@@@@@*P~b.~+=m@@@*~ g@Ws. ~` ,2W2m. '\[ ['~~c'M7 _gW@@A`'s v=XX)====Y- [ [ \c/*@@@*~ g@@i /v~ !.!. '\c7+sg@@@@@s. // 'c'c '\c7*X7~~~~ ]/ ~=Xm_ '~=(Gm_. """ bee = Icon(colored.white(_BEE_STR), colored.yellow(_BEE_STR)) _EARTH_STR = r""" ,,,,,, o#'9MMHb':'-,o, .oH":HH$' "' ' -*R&o, dMMM*""'`' .oM"HM?. ,MMM' "HLbd< ?&H\\ .:MH ."\ ` MM MM&b . "*H - &MMMMMMMMMH: . dboo MMMMMMMMMMMM. . dMMMMMMb *MMMMMMMMMP. . MMMMMMMP *MMMMMP . `#MMMMM MM6P , ' `MMMP" HM*`, ' :MM .- , '. `#?.. . ..' -. . .- ''-.oo,oo.-'' """ earth = Icon(colored.white(_EARTH_STR), colored.yellow(_EARTH_STR)) book = Icon(colored.white(""" _.-"\\ _.-" \\ ,-" \\ ( \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ _.-; \ \ _.-" : \ \,-" _.-" \( _.-" `--" """), colored.yellow(""" _.--._ _.--._ ,-=.-":;:;:;\':;:;:;"-._ \\\:;:;:;:;:;\:;:;:;:;:;\\ \\\:;:;:;:;:;\:;:;:;:;:;\\ \\\:;:;:;:;:;\:;:;:;:;:;\\ \\\:;:;:;:;:;\:;::;:;:;:\\ \\\;:;::;:;:;\:;:;:;::;:\\ \\\;;:;:_:--:\:_:--:_;:;\\ \\\_.-" : "-._\\ \`_..--"--.;.--""--.._=> """))